Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Miles' Attempted Props On 3SSR.

So as you may know I just put out an old school electro Minimix, in an attempt to relive some of the moments I have enjoyed over the last couple of years. My good friend Miles runs a radio show with his buddy Ice man on the Swinburne Radio 3SSR, they generally play a variety of genres but decidedly more rock based music. Miles after listening to mix decides he shall give me a shout out and a bit of air time on his next show. So i check out the podcast of the show and in the last ten minutes of the show he starts ranting about me and my blog and proceeds to play a portion of my "new mix". In true halirious Miles fashion he plays a track that doesn't even remotely resemble my mix and cuts it after about 30 seconds, ridiculous haha! Any way here is the podcast because it is worth a listen as there's some pretty cool local and international bands that I've never heard of and found pretty interesting. Tune in for a lesson or two in Folk Punk and Miles' jibba jabba!

Click to Download: Miles & The Ice Man